Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Looking at things from a different angle

I have been away to Pitlochry for a Trust Staff Conference for a couple of days. We have a two such meetings each year, where the Property Managers who look after the Trust's diverse portfolio of 129 properties have a chance to get together with Trust Managers from a range of other disciplines and review the last season and plan ahead for the future.

Its always really inspiring and refreshing to meet up, to share experiences (both good and bad) and knowledge, and just to be reminded as to the enormous breadth of specialist skills that Trust staff possess between them.

On returning to St Abb's today, I went up to chat to a fencing contractor who is replacing a fence line on our land up behind the Rangers' Office, at a place called Blackpotts. The fields that we own here have minimal nature conservation value in their own right, but are an integral part of the grazing management of the delicate, flower rich grasslands of St Abb's Head. This is because they provided alternative grazing for the stock that we use to graze the Head, and enable us to be able to ask our grazing tenant to move the sheep from the Head to Blackpotts at very short notice. I don't have a reason to go up to Blackpotts very often, and every time I do go up there I am struck by the fantastic view you get from there (see picture above), and today it seemed somewhat symbolic of the importance of looking at things from a different angle.

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