Thursday, 25 October 2018

The seals have arrived!
Whilst checking on our land up at Lumsdaine this week I was happy to discover the first seal pups of the year, with 15 born already.  In this picture you can see a mother with her pup, and in the background a large bull (male) seal.  In the last couple of years pups have been born on the beaches at St Abb’s Head itself, so we are excited to see if they will be back again this year. Watch this space for updates!
Remember that Grey Seals are vulnerable to disturbance at this sensitive time of year and interfering with the pups can cause them to be abandoned by their mothers. If you are concerned about a seal (it looks very thin or has an obvious injury) then please call the SSPCA (Scotland) RSPCA (England) or the British Divers Marine Life Rescue Number for advice and help.
01825 765546 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
07787 433412 Out of office hours and Bank Holidays
RSPCA hotline (England & Wales): 0300 1234 999
SSPCA hotline (Scotland): 03000 999 999

Grey Seals Halichoerus Grypus

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