Another morning out on the reserve with our Regional Archaeologist, Dan, and our local volunteers. This week, half of the team were carrying on the work at Nunnery Point, taking the measurements required for producing a topographical map of the headland and its archaeological features of interest. The other half were using the tablet based system for monitoring the condition of all of our archaeological sites on the reserve - there's a lot of them about, so it takes a while! We were supremely lucky with the weather again, and it was great to hear the fulmars cackling on the cliffs and guillemots gurgling calls from the sea. That's what you call a grand day out! Liza.
Margaret, Bill and Dan carrying out a topographical survey of Nunnery Point. |
Ed takes Ernie, Jack, Margaret and Bill through how to use the tablet based archaeological condition monitoring system, whilst Lizy gives advice from the sidelines! |