Herring Gull
An early nesting species with many nests already containing
medium sized chicks.
Another early nesting species with the majority of Shag
nests now containing young (some quite large). Fledging imminent.
Some birds still have eggs although the majority have now
hatched. The first jumplings* are already taking to the water.
*Jumplings. At 18-37 days old Guillemot and Razorbill
chicks will leap from our vast cliffs to the safety of the sea below. At this
stage they have not developed flight feathers and some birds will inevitably
misjudge the leap and hit the rocks below. Jumplings are surprisingly hardy and
bouncy but a few do succumb to the hungry Herring Gulls. Chicks usually jump
under the cover of dusk.
As Guillemots but slightly later. Again many birds have
eggs and chicks. Expect jumplings* late June early July.![]() |
Guillemot and Razorbill |
Many of these solitary nesters are now on eggs. These birds
will spend more than 50 days incubating eggs with a further 50 days before
chicks fledge. Expect chicks early July.
The first eggs were discovered on the 30th May
and the first chicks were found on the 18th of June. Chicks are still relatively small but
growing fast with currently abundant food.
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Kittiwakes, set for a better season than last. |
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It's not all about the seabirds though... Our Cygnets are growing by the day on the Mire Loch. |