A window into the world of the National Trust for Scotland Rangers at St Abbs.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Season's Greetings...
The winter solstice is past and the nights are beginning to draw out, so here's a photo to remind us all what the cliffs look like around the summer solstice. And here's wishing you all a peaceful and warm Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Just back from the Lochgilpehead where I spent a long weekend, along with 14 other colleagues from around the Trust, learning about the art of wildlife filming. This is all part of a Trust-wide "Wildlife Watch" project, which involves training staff in the use of professional standard cameras so that we can capture broadcast quality footage of the amazing array of wildlife that can be found on our properties around Scotland. Not only is the equipment top notch, but the training was second to none too. Our teachers for the weekend were John Aitchison (picture top), his wife, Mary-Lou and their colleague Martin, all of whom work in the wildlife film-making industry. All three have been involved in many of the documentaries that we have all marvelled over for many years. An absolute privilege to work alongside them, and if we can come away with even a fraction of their ability, then we should get some great footage.
Georgia was also making movies last week, but she was on the other side of the camera gathering footage for her Educational DVD project.
And people say, "What do you do in the winter"!
Georgia was also making movies last week, but she was on the other side of the camera gathering footage for her Educational DVD project.
And people say, "What do you do in the winter"!
Monday, 12 November 2012
No conferring?
But we weren't just there for a jolly. The theme of the conference was landscape level conservation (looking at the big picture rather than focusing in on the minutiae) and visitor safety in the countryside - issues common to all of the Trust's countryside properties. There must have been 80 or so staff there. Most were countryside staff, but also staff from a wide range of other departments within the Trust, from Digital Media Managers to Health & Safety Advisers. And as always, the topics discussed were many and wide ranging. Every year, I come away from the Countryside Conference feeling proud and privileged to be part of an organisation that looks after such amazing properties and employs such experience and knowledgeable staff.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Seabird Summary 2012
Fulmars (pictured left) – have not had a good year. We counted 133 nests, which is a decrease of 35% on last year’s count, well below the 10-year mean of 172 and about half of the 28-year mean. Although we weren’t able to carry out a formal study of fulmar breeding success, we only found 5 fulmar chicks that had reached fledging stage on the whole reserve.
Herring Gulls – have done OK this year as well, 266 nests counted which is above the 10-year mean, but below the 28-year mean of 354 AON.
Kittiwake – continue to have a difficult time of it. This year’s count of 4,314 nests is the lowest on record, well below the 10-year mean of 5,653 AON, and less than half the 28-year mean of 10,631 AON. However, to put it in perspective, although the number of kittiwakes has declined by 78% since the highest count in 1989, the counts since 2009 are now in the region of the counts from the 1950s. As far as breeding success goes, not as good as last year (but like the shags, last year was exceptionally good), with only 0.48 young fledged per nest. However, this is about the same as the 10-year mean, and only slightly below the 26-year mean.
Puffins – sadly for many, the puffin breeding numbers went down again this year from 7 birds ashore during the height of the breeding season (so probably with chicks in burrows) last year, to just 4 this year.
Shags – well here, things looked a bit more rosy with 171 nests counted, an increase of 7% on 2011, and similar to the counts since 2005. However, this is below the 10-year mean of 192 AON, and well below the 28-year mean of 250 AON. Breeding success was down on last year (but last year was an exceptionally good year) but about the same as the 10-year and the 23-year means. Shags this year fledged, on average, 1.25 young per active nest.
Herring Gulls – have done OK this year as well, 266 nests counted which is above the 10-year mean, but below the 28-year mean of 354 AON.
Kittiwake – continue to have a difficult time of it. This year’s count of 4,314 nests is the lowest on record, well below the 10-year mean of 5,653 AON, and less than half the 28-year mean of 10,631 AON. However, to put it in perspective, although the number of kittiwakes has declined by 78% since the highest count in 1989, the counts since 2009 are now in the region of the counts from the 1950s. As far as breeding success goes, not as good as last year (but like the shags, last year was exceptionally good), with only 0.48 young fledged per nest. However, this is about the same as the 10-year mean, and only slightly below the 26-year mean.
Guillemot & Razorbills (latter pictured right) – we do not have the resources to count all the guillemots and razorbills every year, but we do count numbers on the same study plots every year so that we can compare whether numbers. This year guillemot numbers have decreased since last year, and are below both the 10-year and the 28-year means. Razorbill numbers are down on last year too, but are about the same as the 10-year mean, if below the 28-year mean.
Puffins – sadly for many, the puffin breeding numbers went down again this year from 7 birds ashore during the height of the breeding season (so probably with chicks in burrows) last year, to just 4 this year.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Keeping track...
For the second year in a row, our seabirds were the subjects of closer than usual study this year, with a small number of birds being fitted with electronic tagging devices. This year it was the RSPB undertaking the work as part of their Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment (FAME) Project. This involved attaching small a Global Positioning System (GPS) logger to the feathers of kittiwakes and guillemots, which they carried for just a few days. During that period, the logger recorded an accurate picture of the foraging destinations of the birds thanks to the high precision of GPS technology. These surveys will start to answer one of nature’s mysteries – where do seabirds go to feed when they leave the cliff. This will provide us with important information about what the birds need to thrive and will help us to conserve them in the future. Here's what a couple of our kittiwakes got up to over a couple of days:
The first was tagged on the 26th of May when it was incubating a clutch of two eggs. The map on the right shows the flight path this Kittiwake took during a two day period. The GPS tag attached to the feathers on the birds back logged a GPS point every 1 minute and 40 seconds. In areas where the dots are spread out the bird flew fast and in areas where the dots are clumped the bird slowed down to feed or rest.
The second Kittiwake was tagged on the 27th of May when it, too, was incubationg a clutch of two eggs. During the three day period this Kittiwake did three flights out to sea, one short trip south and two longer flights north (see map left). You can see quite clearly where this bird searched for food, flying tight circles. If you look closly you can see the side trip it did to visit the Isle of May.
The first was tagged on the 26th of May when it was incubating a clutch of two eggs. The map on the right shows the flight path this Kittiwake took during a two day period. The GPS tag attached to the feathers on the birds back logged a GPS point every 1 minute and 40 seconds. In areas where the dots are spread out the bird flew fast and in areas where the dots are clumped the bird slowed down to feed or rest.
The second Kittiwake was tagged on the 27th of May when it, too, was incubationg a clutch of two eggs. During the three day period this Kittiwake did three flights out to sea, one short trip south and two longer flights north (see map left). You can see quite clearly where this bird searched for food, flying tight circles. If you look closly you can see the side trip it did to visit the Isle of May.
It is truly amazing to see where these birds go to search for food during the breeding season. The map below shows the flight paths recorded for both of the above Kittiwakes on the same map, and gives a bit more perspective as to how far these small creatures travel over a small period of time. There are still many questions to answer, for instance, these maps show that not all bird go to the same place to feed, so what makes them choose the direction to fly in? As usual, the more we find out, the more we realise we don't know!
Over the season the FAME Team were kept very busy as they were collecting data on kittiwake, guillemot, razorbill, shag and fulmar flight patterns on Orkney, Fair Isle, Colonsay, Isle of May, the Sillies, North Aberdeenshire, Fowlsheugh Nature Reserve and Flamborough Head as well as at St Abb’s Head.
Another interesting project that stemmed from this work was "SEA Art in a Differnt Way" a collaboration between artists and scientists, culminating in an exhibition at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow between the 13th and the 21st October - check out the RSPB blog for more details http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/getinvolved/b/seabirds/default.aspx
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Long time no see
So sorry that it has been so long since the last post. I can assure you that this is not because we
have not been doing anything – rather to the contrary really. It is due to the fact that we are having IT
problems in the office.
So, what has been going on since July I hear you cry! Well, we had a couple of groups of volunteers
out fighting the good fight against creeping thistles on our grasslands. A group of NTS Conservation Volunteers (or
CVs as they are affectionately known - pictured right) came down from Edinburgh, and a group of
Berwick Academy students who are working towards getting their John Muir Award.
Also, out on the grasslands one of the Trust’s Nature
Conservation Advisors, Lindsay Mackinlay, came and spent a few days monitoring
our grasslands – all part of our new grassland management plan that we have
instigated this year. This has also
included us replacing nearly 2.5 km of fence to make sure that we can graze
areas when we want to, but exclude stock at other times.
In August, Jack and Dave spent a couple of days working with
the Trust’s in-house Footpath Team up at Ben Lawers. The Footpath Team are experts in using a
variety of techniques to repair footpaths, making the paths more comfortable to
walk on, and so, in turn, protecting the habitat through which they pass. Because if a path is uncomfortable to walk
on, people will take a route that they find easier, forming more and more
paths, and spreading erosion across the surrounding area. Although the weather was far from balmy (see pic of Dave in the mist, left), Jack
and Dave really enjoyed their time at Ben Lawers and learnt an awful lot. This week, they have been putting their new
skills to use on the path around the Mire Loch, improving drainage and
surfacing, and putting in some steps.
Also last week, we got a brand new 4WD for the reserve. We have been having terrible trouble with
vehicles over the last 3 months. Our old
4WD died without warning in June, which rather left us in the lurch. Luckily, our colleagues from Glencoe had a
land rover that they could spare, and they were kind enough to lend it to us for
a number of weeks. It was a bit of an
old banger, but better than nothing, but I must admit to being very relieved
when I was told our new vehicle was ready to be picked up. The land rover obviously didn’t want to go
though, as it had two punctures in 24 hours, so delaying me being able to pick
up the new vehicle by a number of days!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Through the eyes of another...
A couple of weeks ago Becky Riseborough spent a week volunteering on the reserve. During her time with us she spent part of her time shadowing us and also helping us with tasks like bracken bashing, thistle thwacking, producing children's activity sheets for the Nature Centre and producing a guide to the sea slugs to be found in the Marine Reserve. Plus, knowing that she takes fantastic photographs, I asked her to takes some shots to illustrate her time with us. There's no real facility to upload them all onto the blog here (at least that I am aware of), but check them out on our Facebook page. This link should allow you to access the images even if you are not signed up to Facebook:
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.263281210442538.48636.213846425386017&type=3&l=3f7cc99f57 . Or you could check out some of her images which are on display in the Nature Centre (although they have lost some of their luminocity in printing).
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Butterfly update...
of my job as seasonal ranger is to monitor butterflies on the reserve. This is
done by carrying out weekly transects. This involves walking a set route around
the reserve covering many different habitat types and counting the number of
different species encountered. Transects can only be carried out when strict
criteria such as minimum temperature and wind speed are met.
out butterfly transects allow us to monitor butterflies on a local level as
well as to contribute nationally. At the end of the year our records are
submitted to Butterfly Conservation and though them our records feed
into a larger dataset helping to build up a picture of how species are doing
nationally. Analyzing the data allows us to see things such as population
declines, increases and distribution trends within individual species.
far this year’s records are indicating that it has generally been a quiet start
for many species on the reserve. Cold and wet weather is thought to be the
reason for this.
find out how this year’s weather has affected butterflies nationally visit the
Butterfly Conservation website and read this great article. http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/article/9/287/wild_spring_weather_baffles_butterflies.html
crossed that the weather will be nice for our Moth and Butterfly morning on
Sunday the 1st July... further information below.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Rumblings in the jungle?
Folk walking along the coast path will have spotted some strange goings on in the undergrowth at Starney Bay yesterday. In fact, it was so strange that I ended up having shouted conversations with several people explaining what was going on.
Well, what WAS going on, I hear you ask? Volunteers Ernie, Dave and myself were carrying out a little bracken control. Being a conservation organisation we don't like to use chemical control where we can avoid it, so we were bashing the bracken using bamboo canes. Now, this is not just a strange method we have come up with, it is tried and tested. The idea is to damage the bracken as much as possible so that it has to expend a lot of energy healing rather than growing. We will aim to bash it twice a year, and after three years it should be gone. Its the same principle as using a tractor towed roller, or using cattle to trample the bracken. But, of course, neither of these two methods are going to work on the 45 degree slopes above Starney!
I must admit, it must have looked really rather comical to passers by - like people talking out their aggression on the undergrowth with their walking sticks in a Fawlty Towers kind of way. Ah well, a double whammy then, conservation work and entertainment all rolled into one!
Here's a couple of photos of Dave (top) and Ernie (bottom) to literally put you in the picture!
Well, what WAS going on, I hear you ask? Volunteers Ernie, Dave and myself were carrying out a little bracken control. Being a conservation organisation we don't like to use chemical control where we can avoid it, so we were bashing the bracken using bamboo canes. Now, this is not just a strange method we have come up with, it is tried and tested. The idea is to damage the bracken as much as possible so that it has to expend a lot of energy healing rather than growing. We will aim to bash it twice a year, and after three years it should be gone. Its the same principle as using a tractor towed roller, or using cattle to trample the bracken. But, of course, neither of these two methods are going to work on the 45 degree slopes above Starney!
I must admit, it must have looked really rather comical to passers by - like people talking out their aggression on the undergrowth with their walking sticks in a Fawlty Towers kind of way. Ah well, a double whammy then, conservation work and entertainment all rolled into one!
Here's a couple of photos of Dave (top) and Ernie (bottom) to literally put you in the picture!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Stepping up to the mark...
This week saw the completion of a new flight of steps up the
Mire Dam. Regular visitors will know
that it has always been a little tricky negotiating the spillway and then
scrambling up the dam itself via some small stone steps. Hopefully the new steps and the wee bridge
over the spillway will make life much easier.
They both look very new and straight and perhaps a little out of place
at the moment, but give Mother Nature time and she will soon help them blend
in. We have also replaced the stile at
the top, and intend to put in a dog gate too in the future just to finish the
whole area off.
This work is the start of a larger project to improve the
access to the Reserve. Later in the
year, when there are less folk about, we will be upgrading the car park and
carrying out work on the coast path around Starney Bay. This work is 50% funded by Scottish Natural
Heritage with the other half being covered by the Trust.
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Upcoming events...
We are running two new events this summer;
Firstly ‘Jumping Jumplings’ on Saturday 16th June,
Every year when Guillemot chicks
reach around three weeks old they take a dramatic plunge from their rocky shelf
into the ocean below. Join us to watch as the flightless Guillemot chicks try
their best to evade the hungry Herring gulls and reach the safety of the sea.
The event is at the height of the season so the cliffs will be packed with
birds nesting and feeding young. We ‘may’ also be able to pick out one or two
Puffins. A car share from the nature reserve car park to the lighthouse will
ensure that this event is accessible to all.
Meet at St Abb’s Head Nature
Reserve car park (NT 913 674) at 8.30 pm on Saturday the 16th June to car share
to the lighthouse. Bring binoculars if you have them, and come suitably clad
and shod.
The second event is a ‘Moth and Butterfly morning’ on Sunday
1st July 9:30-11:30am.
We will be discovering the
variety of moths at St Abb’s as we open up our live traps (set the previous
night). This is an excellent opportunity to see moths close up and in daylight.
After opening the traps we will take a leisurely walk around the Mire loch
looking out for butterflies, day flying moths and other wildlife. Target species
include Small Copper, Common Blue, Dark Green Fritillary and Northern Brown
Argus. Experts will be on hand to help you identify.
Meet at St Abb’s Head Nature
Reserve car park (NT 913 674) at 9:30am on Sunday the 1st July. Bring
binoculars if you have them, and come suitably clad and shod.
Both events are priced at Adults £3, Children (16 and
under) £2, Family (2Ad 2Ch) £10. Please note that children must be accompanied,
at least one adult to four children.
For further information contact St Abb’s Head Rangers
Office on 018970 71443
Thursday, 10 May 2012
St Abbs Fest
So folks...the flyers have arrived, you can pick one up for your self at our Nature Centre or just click on the following link to open an electronic version... http://issuu.com/nationaltrustscotland/docs/st_abbs_fest_web_version/4 .
Come and join the celebrations!
Oh, and by the way, if you are hoping to come along to the SCO concert in Duns, you better be quick buying your tickets as I understand they are selling like proverbial hotcakes!
See you there!
Come and join the celebrations!
Oh, and by the way, if you are hoping to come along to the SCO concert in Duns, you better be quick buying your tickets as I understand they are selling like proverbial hotcakes!
See you there!
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Its Festival Time!
Regular readers will be aware of the pARTicipate project
that we have been running at St Abbs for the past year or so, which aims to
engage the public in the work of the National Trust for Scotland, through the
arts. Here at St Abbs we have been
working mainly with the medium of music, and our main partner has been the
Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO). You
will have read before about the various fabulous events that have come out of
this so far, but now the project is coming to its climax – the world premier
performance of the piece of music that the Trust has commissioned from
composer, Howard Moody, performed by the SCO.
This will be taking place on Thursday 24th May, at the
Volunteer Hall in Duns (see image above for details of how to get a
ticket). The piece will then be
performed at two other venues as part of the SCO’s South of Scotland Tour 2012.
And if that wasn’t exciting enough, we decided that we
should have some kind of mini festival on the run up to this world
premier. As this was a little bit of an
afterthought, and it is a busy old time of year here at St Abbs, we haven’t had
time to pull together all the potential events that could be part of a St Abbs
Festival. So we have just called it “The
St Abbs Fest”, and who knows, if it proves popular in its embryonic form then
maybe it will go on to become a regular thing and develop into a fully grown
Festival in years to come!
The “St Abbs Fest” will start on Wednesday 16th
May and will run all the way through to the final concert of the SCO’s tour,
which takes place in Castle Douglas on Saturday 26th. Events vary from guided walks to, to art
exhibitions (including that of our Artist in Residence, Sarah Riseborough), to
film shows and more. Details to follow soon...Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Just in time...

Hello everyone. I’m Jack the new Seasonal Ranger here at St Abb’s. I’ll be posting using this dark green font.
I’ve been here for about 2 weeks now and I’m settling in nicely. Initial reactions... what a fantastic place! I arrived here after spending the winter at RSPB Geltsdale in Cumbria and I was hoping for some dry, sunny weather. What did I get... snow, sleet, rain and a cold northerly wind. Fingers crossed for a return to spring.
So why St. Abb’s...
My main interest is in birds and the reserve certainly has a lot to offer in this department, from the breeding seabirds to the passing migrants. It’s also great to be working on a reserve that is home to a whole range of other wildlife... butterflies, moths, flowers, insects, mammals etc.
Having previously worked on the Farne Islands it feels great to be back working amongst a busy seabird colony.
It looks like I arrived just in time as the seabird breeding season has certainly kicked off. Shags are firmly settled incubating eggs and one or two of the Guillemots have also begun to lay. Guillemots were first seen on eggs on the 14th making this year the earliest year on record for St Abb’s. Exciting times!
Migrant birds have also begun to return with the first Willow Warbler on Sat and the first Swallows yesterday. I’ll be keeping the blog updated with sightings, as and when. Until then, here's a couple of photos I've taken just outside the Ranger's Office, using the digiscoping set up we have here. A brown hare (top) and a female blackcap (bottom).

Sunday, 8 April 2012
Its official, its spring!

We have a new recruit this year, Jack, who has come to us hotfoot from Geltsdale, an RSPB reserve in Cumbria, and who worked on the Farne Islands last year. Jack has a lifetime's interest in natural history, his first love is birds, but he is also keen on butterflies and moths. Feel free to stop him for a chat if you see him around and about on the reserve.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
A right, royal, celebratory start to the season...

Last week 8 students from Coldingham Primary school helped start off our season by planting trees along the side of the Mire Loch. The trees were sent to the school from the Queen's own forests, or order for them to be planted in a public place to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee year. The pupils were all members of the school's Environment Committee, and had planted trees before, so they made pretty quick work of getting the 20 trees into the ground. There were 4 species planted - birch, rowan, cherry and one royal oak, which was planted, near to the photo above, to mark the entrance to the Nature Reserve for centuries to come.
Monday, 27 February 2012
The Trumpet Volunteer...

But enough excuses...where to start? As you might have gathered from the title, this post is going to be dedicated to our fantastic team of volunteers, without whom we could not do everything that we do here at St Abbs. And there has been an awful lot going on as far as volunteers are concerned in the last month or so. We had our Christmas party on Robert Burns’ birthday (well, December gets ever so filled up doesn’t it?). As usual, we went on an expedition aimed at being both fun and educational, and this year we visited Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. If you haven’t visited, I urge you to go; it is such a great experience for all ages. Image left, the team enjoy the 3D presentation (L to R Dave, Ernie, Jack, Fran, Margaret, Georgia).
Also, we have taken Dave on as a Voluntary Ranger/Handy Man. Dave has been volunteering with us for a number of years now, but only as a member of our regular gang of volunteers who come and help out on a Wednesday morning. But as he has enormous amounts of energy, and a wide range of skills, it seemed a shame not to use them to their full capacity. So now he is spending the morning with the gang, and then in the afternoon is tackling the seemingly never ending list of jobs that need doing around the property. Regular visitors will notice that he has been doing a fair bit of work on footpath maintenance, as well as less noticeable, but just as important, handyman jobs in the various buildings on the property.
Then a couple of weeks back, Maggie Shaw, willow worker and friend, cam

So as I say, what would we do without our volunteers hey? Many thanks to you all! And not just here at St Abbs, the Trust as a whole estimated that volunteers donated well in excess of £1 million worth of time to our cause last year alone. If you would like to donate your time to us, we are always looking for outgoing and knowledgeable people to man the nature and chat to visitors. SO if you fit the bill, please get in touch for a chat.
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